I've not posted in a while due to just coming back from a fantastic holiday to Bruges! Now that I'm getting settled back into the swing of things with work I can focus once more on these tasks! There's nothing worse than feeling like you are behind on something and I know I am! Now that the first few weeks are over time seems to be flying past and I don't seem to be getting any further! I'm feeling like everything was easier on holiday!!!
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Task 1b- professional communication technologies
Before writing an in depth blog I decided I wanted to explore the ideas in reader 1 more by doing a mind map, this not only helps me focus on topics to write about but also shows what I've initially understood about the reader without going into too much depth!
Now that I have done this I can focus my research more appropriately to what I understand and get straight to the points, A mind map gives your writing structure and the time to plan.
Below is the ideas I initially took t focus on from the reader 1... blog to follow more in depth.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 was something I had not heard of before starting this module..... I now understand that it is a group of sources where the viewer can also be the creator.. such as social networks and blogs and sites like wikipedia.
Before Web 2.0
Smartphones have become a huge part of Web 2.0 success, before Web 2.0 our internet was more of a Dial-up process which didnt allow us to have as much instant creation online as we have now... our internet is changing and sites like MSN and Bebo are a thing of the past, but will that ever happen to our huge social media aspects like facebook?
Working in the industry I work in its important I understand every network available to me and how I can use them to further my knowledge and skills.
The obvious network I'm sure we can all relate to is 'Facebook' without it I could probably say my social life is non existant, but for a professional is facebook a necessity?
Working as part of the Entertainment team at Nidd Hall we felt that we needed a page to promote ourselves and our work, little did we know there was already a page made for us by a previous team and it was apparent that nobody knew about it because nobody posted on it. Within 2 weeks of becoming administrator and posting pictures of acts we had in or shows we were performing or even activities with the guests it was apparent we had reached more people in that two weeks than we had ever with the page in the past. It goes to show that the efforts show results. For a professional in this sort of industry I would say it's also very important for them to have a public professional work facebook page.
Also with facebook comes the problems of security and privacy, what are we allowed to post? This all comes down to professionalism. When publishing a video of the guests taking part in an activity it is important to ask permission off every single one of them. If I worked as a primary school teacher it is even more important to consider what you are publishing on facebook, private and professional.... Many people get into trouble through something as simple as a facebook post.
A whopping 70 percent of U.S. business managers say they decided not to hire a job candidate based upon something found out about them online, sites such as facebook, twitter etc can affect that future employment!
How we use web 2.0
For me I would find life difficult without any of the online resources we have now, not only working away from home and being away from friends it helps my social life stay connected but also for the learning processes I go through...
We can now use online resources for research, exams and for example without Web 2.0 this course would be near enough impossible! Its an exciting prospect of what we will our Web 3.0 be?
Web 2.0 was something I had not heard of before starting this module..... I now understand that it is a group of sources where the viewer can also be the creator.. such as social networks and blogs and sites like wikipedia.
Before Web 2.0
Smartphones have become a huge part of Web 2.0 success, before Web 2.0 our internet was more of a Dial-up process which didnt allow us to have as much instant creation online as we have now... our internet is changing and sites like MSN and Bebo are a thing of the past, but will that ever happen to our huge social media aspects like facebook?
Working in the industry I work in its important I understand every network available to me and how I can use them to further my knowledge and skills.
The obvious network I'm sure we can all relate to is 'Facebook' without it I could probably say my social life is non existant, but for a professional is facebook a necessity?
Working as part of the Entertainment team at Nidd Hall we felt that we needed a page to promote ourselves and our work, little did we know there was already a page made for us by a previous team and it was apparent that nobody knew about it because nobody posted on it. Within 2 weeks of becoming administrator and posting pictures of acts we had in or shows we were performing or even activities with the guests it was apparent we had reached more people in that two weeks than we had ever with the page in the past. It goes to show that the efforts show results. For a professional in this sort of industry I would say it's also very important for them to have a public professional work facebook page.
Also with facebook comes the problems of security and privacy, what are we allowed to post? This all comes down to professionalism. When publishing a video of the guests taking part in an activity it is important to ask permission off every single one of them. If I worked as a primary school teacher it is even more important to consider what you are publishing on facebook, private and professional.... Many people get into trouble through something as simple as a facebook post.
A whopping 70 percent of U.S. business managers say they decided not to hire a job candidate based upon something found out about them online, sites such as facebook, twitter etc can affect that future employment!
How we use web 2.0
For me I would find life difficult without any of the online resources we have now, not only working away from home and being away from friends it helps my social life stay connected but also for the learning processes I go through...
We can now use online resources for research, exams and for example without Web 2.0 this course would be near enough impossible! Its an exciting prospect of what we will our Web 3.0 be?
Task 1c- Audio Visual Intro
'YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.'https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/
Youtube these days has become huge, especially in the performing industry, performers now rely on their showreels being viewed by agents, or singers rely on their music videos being noticed by a record label. It is important to only upload things you are comfortable that the whole world can see!
Being an avid performer I thought this task would be one of the easiest, performers are confident arent they? The truth is there is nothing worse than having to be yourself in front of a camera! Performers never have to be themselves on stage and this only became apparent to me when I sat down with my phone in front of me and tried to film myself.
I thought the best way to approach this would be to do a couple of practice runs and hope that there was one good one out of it... After about half an hour of trying to make a 40 second video and being the self critical person I am I just wasn't happy with how they were turning out. I put the task aside for that day and the next day sat down and let myself only record 1 take! Trying to forget about the bits where I pause and ignoring the ums and ah's and the nervous swallows I uploaded the video. Luckily this mindset actually made me feel a lot more comfortable with the whole idea and I am not put off by using this tool in the future.
I think a tool like this is very important in an industry like the performing world because you encounter professionals all the time and you need to be confident in your own skin. Secondly the tools we have to be able to create a simple youtube video nowawdays makes the process so easy!
Record a video on your phone and upload. Simple.
Now that I feel more comfortable using this tool I will be able to confidently create showreels and upload them, yet another way of putting myself out there and networking and rather than people just being able to view the videos Web 2.0 allows them to be joint creators by adding comments and sharing their videos, which makes youtube all one big network.
Even Blogger makes it easy to share these videos by automatically linking to youtube to upload a video.
So after two days of worry and stress with about 30 try's, here is my Youtube Video....
Youtube these days has become huge, especially in the performing industry, performers now rely on their showreels being viewed by agents, or singers rely on their music videos being noticed by a record label. It is important to only upload things you are comfortable that the whole world can see!
Being an avid performer I thought this task would be one of the easiest, performers are confident arent they? The truth is there is nothing worse than having to be yourself in front of a camera! Performers never have to be themselves on stage and this only became apparent to me when I sat down with my phone in front of me and tried to film myself.
I thought the best way to approach this would be to do a couple of practice runs and hope that there was one good one out of it... After about half an hour of trying to make a 40 second video and being the self critical person I am I just wasn't happy with how they were turning out. I put the task aside for that day and the next day sat down and let myself only record 1 take! Trying to forget about the bits where I pause and ignoring the ums and ah's and the nervous swallows I uploaded the video. Luckily this mindset actually made me feel a lot more comfortable with the whole idea and I am not put off by using this tool in the future.
I think a tool like this is very important in an industry like the performing world because you encounter professionals all the time and you need to be confident in your own skin. Secondly the tools we have to be able to create a simple youtube video nowawdays makes the process so easy!
Record a video on your phone and upload. Simple.
Now that I feel more comfortable using this tool I will be able to confidently create showreels and upload them, yet another way of putting myself out there and networking and rather than people just being able to view the videos Web 2.0 allows them to be joint creators by adding comments and sharing their videos, which makes youtube all one big network.
Even Blogger makes it easy to share these videos by automatically linking to youtube to upload a video.
So after two days of worry and stress with about 30 try's, here is my Youtube Video....
Friday, 7 October 2016
Task 1d - Images
I decided to tackle task 1d before 1b and 1c due to lot of busy rehearsals for the xmas period at work this week and little time to study hard on the reader! so i skipped 1b and 1c for now and i will tackle those later on in the week!
As this task is based on an images I had to research beyond instagram as I already have an instagram account for social use. I thought it would be a good idea to get a flickr account for work based photos, this way my social life and work don't clash too much and if somebody wanted to see what I do at work then they could without having to scroll through the social photos of me and my family or boyfriend!
Flickr is owned by Yahoo, this meant I had to create a yahoo account. This has already shown to me how extremely large Web 2.0 is growing! I feel I am inudated with email addresses and so many passwords! I now have a yahoo, an outlook, a google email and a seperate email for work, all to enable myself to work with different situations and have different social networks.
Flickr's aims are stated in their 'About' section on their website... these are as follows...
referenced from the following site: (https://www.flickr.com/about)
The second is focusing more on elaborating the way they already do things, in relation to the Reader 1 from briefly reading it links to the development of Web 3.0, How can flickr change the way they are doing things now to move forward into Web 3.0? This is something I will further develop in my blog post for Reader 1.
Back to my flickr account, I started by just uploading some basic photos of shows I have performed in here at Warner Leisure Hotels and also some photos of my work colleagues whilst we are performing. This again comes under Reader 1's issues, in terms that I must ask permission for these photos to be published, not only from my peers appearing in the photos, but the people who took the photos and also the company for showing their set/costumes on the public internet.
My flickr account is as follows... https://www.flickr.com/photos/145732993@N06/
Any idea's of ways I can use my flickr account effectively would be brilliant. The concept is new to me as a regular instagram user and I am excited about learning more about the new network i have created :)
As this task is based on an images I had to research beyond instagram as I already have an instagram account for social use. I thought it would be a good idea to get a flickr account for work based photos, this way my social life and work don't clash too much and if somebody wanted to see what I do at work then they could without having to scroll through the social photos of me and my family or boyfriend!
Flickr is owned by Yahoo, this meant I had to create a yahoo account. This has already shown to me how extremely large Web 2.0 is growing! I feel I am inudated with email addresses and so many passwords! I now have a yahoo, an outlook, a google email and a seperate email for work, all to enable myself to work with different situations and have different social networks.
Flickr's aims are stated in their 'About' section on their website... these are as follows...
referenced from the following site: (https://www.flickr.com/about)
1. We want to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them.
2. We want to enable new ways of organizing photos and video.
The first aim i suppose is towards those asking about my work, ex teachers from colleges, people in the industry, people wanting the same career as me etcThe second is focusing more on elaborating the way they already do things, in relation to the Reader 1 from briefly reading it links to the development of Web 3.0, How can flickr change the way they are doing things now to move forward into Web 3.0? This is something I will further develop in my blog post for Reader 1.
Back to my flickr account, I started by just uploading some basic photos of shows I have performed in here at Warner Leisure Hotels and also some photos of my work colleagues whilst we are performing. This again comes under Reader 1's issues, in terms that I must ask permission for these photos to be published, not only from my peers appearing in the photos, but the people who took the photos and also the company for showing their set/costumes on the public internet.
My flickr account is as follows... https://www.flickr.com/photos/145732993@N06/
Any idea's of ways I can use my flickr account effectively would be brilliant. The concept is new to me as a regular instagram user and I am excited about learning more about the new network i have created :)
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Task 1a- Develop a CV
The term ‘Curriculum Vitae (CV for short) is short for a Latin term which means “the story of your life”. It is a short list of facts about you, your skills, qualifications, experience and career history.
When set the task for module 1 to develop our CV in different stages I panicked and thought which CV do I do?! My professional performance CV or my professional job cv? I suppose the question is answered by what job am I applying for? Therefore I thought of the idea to join the two CV's together in the sense that when finishing my current role at Warner Leisure Hotels I will be applying for undergraduate roles at primary schools. This is the career path I am heading towards.
The first big question is what do i need in a final cv? I researched some CV templates online and found that the ones that had a more professional design were more appealing. This can also be quite a costly approach by some CV designers however if you are quite alright with a computer its fairly simple to do this on word.
Starting off with my two orginal CV's that looked like this........Keeping to hiding my personal information i have not included it on any CV's shown on my blog.

I took the important information from each one to start off rebuilding on a new design. Because both these CV's are out of date I had to develop a current up to date one. I liked the designs on some websites and I wanted to use these designs to inspire my new CV.
The things I had to ensure i included was:
So with all this in mind i redesigned my new CV to look like this.......
I used icons downloaded from clip art to make things like the hobby section look more interesting.
When set the task for module 1 to develop our CV in different stages I panicked and thought which CV do I do?! My professional performance CV or my professional job cv? I suppose the question is answered by what job am I applying for? Therefore I thought of the idea to join the two CV's together in the sense that when finishing my current role at Warner Leisure Hotels I will be applying for undergraduate roles at primary schools. This is the career path I am heading towards.
The first big question is what do i need in a final cv? I researched some CV templates online and found that the ones that had a more professional design were more appealing. This can also be quite a costly approach by some CV designers however if you are quite alright with a computer its fairly simple to do this on word.
Starting off with my two orginal CV's that looked like this........Keeping to hiding my personal information i have not included it on any CV's shown on my blog.

I took the important information from each one to start off rebuilding on a new design. Because both these CV's are out of date I had to develop a current up to date one. I liked the designs on some websites and I wanted to use these designs to inspire my new CV.
The things I had to ensure i included was:
- Personal Profile
- Employment History
- Contact Details
- Education History
- Hobbies
- Special Skills
- A Picture
- Social Network details
So with all this in mind i redesigned my new CV to look like this.......
I used icons downloaded from clip art to make things like the hobby section look more interesting.
Any Ideas to how I can improve on this final design would be great! Thankyou Bloggers!
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