Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Module 1 Session 2 31/10/16

On Monday I attended the skype session with paula and a few others on the course. It focused on the next few tasks of module one and I feel a lot more comfortable with the tasks ahead of me now.

One important question I had never really thought about that came up in the session was 'What Kind of Learner am I?'
  • Activist ways of learning include brain-storming, practical experimentation, role plays, group discussion and problem-solving.
  • Pragmatist study styles include case studies and time to think about the practical applications of what you are learning.
  • Reflector-style learning includes spending time reading around a subject, and watching others try things out.
  • Theorist learning involves models and theories, with plenty of background information.

    I found out that I was a mix between an activist and a theorist:

    Kolb proposed a cycle based on the way we learn and then it was Peter Honey and Alan Mumford who developed on this and created the four titles for the different types of learners above.
    When looking at the cycle it is clear to me that each segment of the cycle is relevant to me but when I am trying to learn something new I find it much easier to do and try out, whether that means making mistakes or not.

    Task 2a of the module is creating a journal. When thinking about ways to do this I was stuck, the only time I have ever had to write a journal was at college and had to evaluate my classes and what i could improve on etc. The thought of doing it in every day life for everyday events is very different and I struggled to think of the best way to do this.
    In the session we talked about that a journal could be anything from sitting down for 15 minutes a day and relecting or just having a random thought on a bus journey home and using your iphone to note it down and then collaborate these thoughts into a journal.
    I think certainly for myself with where I work it is only really the end of an evening where i relax and think what went well today?

    We also each shared an experience of something that we could reflect on recently, for Hannah it was an audition, for myself working as a Dance Captain it was a show that went terrible and we received terrible feedback on it. The big question for me was Why? Paula suggested we write a reflection on these experiences and focus on the main questions....
    Why did it happen?
    What Happened?
    How do I feel?
    What can be improved on for future?
    My next blog will be focusing on this experience and using the reflection process to help me.

    Paula also suggested we look at David Boud's article to help us with the reflective journal.

    I enjoyed the session on Monday and learnt a lot. Please feel free to make any comments about how you have worked on your journal :)


    1. Thank for this post, it s great to see what you did last session so I can use this information for my journal also, the process of making a journaI, I find it quite fascinating because, you learn so much about yourself. I usually spend around 20 mins to write mine at the end of each day, and normally I write it like a diary, I don´t usually use any graphs or diagrams, somehow they don´t work very well for me to reflection about my day. You can see an example of it in my blog, I hope it will help you with your journal!

      1. Thanks! I'll take a read! Yeah I'm not too good with graphs or things and I struggle to have the time to sit on the spot and rethink my day so I tend to make a note of something and then collaborate them all for my personal journal! It's hard to sort of say what you did well more than the negative I think! Strange how everyone can easily criticise themselves when really we forget how good we can sometimes be!

    2. thanks for this Alice! - like the sentiment of looking at the day for positives - often we are asked the simple question - what do we do well? creating a collection of positive stories is as important as being able to critique something you want to be better at doing. Keep us posted!

      This also might relate to our level of experience - e.g. novice to expert idea or - I think some argue about these models - but the first time you do something different you do sometimes feel like a novice - but to do new things if you are aware of that and wouldn't life be dull if nothing new happened?
