'a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.'http://www.dictionary.com/browse/reflection
In reader two it states ' the process of learning form experience is a process of turning information inot knowledge'. This is exactly what this module focuses on, using what we know and processing it into what we have learnt.
The aim of this task is looking into the different practioners and seeing if I can relate to any of their theories in the way I already write or whether I can give their theories a try. I had already look at Kolbs cycle on one of the first tasks and found that it was an easy way to decipher what ways we enter the learning process. He said:
”Knowledge is continuously derived from and tested out in the experiences of the learner.”
So in this blog I'm going to now focus on some of the practioners I had never heard of before beginning this task.
John Dewey
John Dewey saw reflection as a further dimension of thought, he saw it as a purposeful act:
...it includes a conscious and voluntary effort to establish belief upon a firm basis of evidence and rationality” (Dewey, 1933)Carol Rodgers wrote about Dewey and brough to life some of the most important concepts Dewey believed in... these are as follows. I recommed reading the article as she really makes Dewey's theories understandable http://www.bsp.msu.edu/uploads/files/Reading_Resources/Defining_Reflection.pdf
1: Reflection moves a learner from one experience into the next with deeper understanding
2:Reflection is a disciplined way of thinking
3: Reflection needs to happen, in interaction with others
4:Reflection requires a certain attitude to value intellectual growth of oneself and others
To Dewey an experience is more than just taking part in something, and an experience is not an experience without interaction. Knowing now what I know about Dewey it makes sense that David Kolb used Dewey to inform his work on the cycle of learning experience.
Howard Gardner
This is one practictioner after researching I found particularly interesting. Gardner focuses on Multiple intelligences show ways that different people engage with learning.
Online you can access a multiple intelligence free skills test http://www.businessballs.com/freepdfmaterials/free_multiple_intelligences_test_manual_version.pdf I recommended anyone researching into Gardner to go and give it a go, it is a fantastic way to find your strongest intelligences based on Howard Gardners theories....
My results showed I am mostly Logical-Mathmatical closely followed by interpersonal, meaning i like numbers and logic and I am aware of others feelings, the rest were fairly even except spacial visual scoring low.
The multiple intelligences are not limited to the seven he bases his theory on and he has since considered other intelligences in his latter work.
Howard Gardners theory brings to life that if I make it as a sucessful primary teacher then every child I teach will favour towards some of these intelligences in the way they learn, and recognising these will only make me into a good teacher.
Donald Schon
Schon defies reflective practice as two things-
Reflection in action is to reflect on behavior as it happens, whereas, Reflection on action reflecting after the event, to review, analyze, and evaluate the situationhttps://graysreadinggroup.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/the-reflective-practitioner-by-donald-schon/
From personal experience it is definitely harder to reflect on things as they are happening and most of us prefer the analysis after an event, but Schon brings to life that using both of these could show some differences in thoughts or feelings and using both the in action and on action ideas you can develop an all rounded reflective piece of writing.
Graham Gibbs and Honey and Mumford
These are all practictioners that developed off Kolb.s original ideas.
Graham Gibbs reflective cycle has 6 stages, most of which I already use during a reflection of an event or day... https://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/services/disability/onlineresources/StudyGuides/Using-Gibbs-Reflective-Cycle-in-Coursework.pdf
Whereas Honey and Munford identify 4 distinct styles of learning which I looked at after Module 1 session 2 with Paula, their theory found I was more of an activist.
All these theories above in one way overlap, and a use of all practioners when thinking about reflective practice will only make me a better learner.
Any comments on any of your thoughts on which practioners you can relate to best I would be really interested to hear your thoughts.
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