Sunday 2 April 2017

5c- Professional Ethics

After studying Reader 5 it has provided me with a lot of information that I feel are relevant to the development of my professional inquiry. I feel out of all the topics this is the one I am struggling most with and it cam to light in Reader 5 that my thoughts are correct - 'Ethics is frequently not a case of black and white' (Reader 5 pg7, 2016)
The Reader covers 3 areas of ethics- PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL.
I believe in order to conduct yourself professionally, the personal morals have to be set which can then develop into your organisation.
In my place of work the way I am as a person in turn reflects the way I conduct my rehersals in a professional manner which then in turn affects the organisation I work in. The whole effect is like a ripple, the inner part of the circle is my morals, the middle ring is the professional and the outer the organisational. They all flow into one another.
I like image shown in the reader to represent this ripple effect.
I found the theoretical approach of consequentialism interesting- 'an act is morally right if, and only if, that act maximises the good' (Reader 5 pg 9, 2016) Working in the entertainment industry this rings true... I will only ever do something if it needs to be done. Telling my team that one of our shows was terrible wouldnt be maximising the good, telling my team that our show was amazing but we have a few things to work on would benefit them more than delivering a negative approach.

Dentology and Virtue ethics differ from the theory above and the easiest way I understood these was to apply them to the Case Study 2 in the reader.... the outcome below is what I came to...

Case Study 2 as a consequentialist- The photographer should of only taken the photo if it maximised the good of others.... but did it?   He won a prize for the photograph and did people enjoy his photo? By doing what he did I dont believe he maximised the good of others.... the girl died... he died? where was the positives in the outcome other than the prize?
Case Study 2 as a dentologist- The photographer was wrong... good will is not leaving the child to this theory good will is always right.
Case Study 3 as a virtue ethicist- I believe the case study is controversial with this ethical framework... his character at first seemed selfish as he left the child to die and only focused on the photo and his career developing. But proof at the end proved his character was not selfish.. the guilt he felt only showed his character to be a caring one. His character was as important as the action in the end of this study.

There are many controversial arguments in the framework of ethics where the employers expectations, professional code and personal ethics all interlink with one another and can cause dispute.

Descriptive ethics provide a description of the reasons behind moral choices, it states what the case is.
Normative ethics examine the principles people use when they make moral choices. It raises more questions than descriptive ethics.

Ethical Arguments - Is there another way of seeing the situation?  This is something I like to do when considering a situation that I don't know if I have done wrong or right. I would like to be able to apply this approach if a problem was to arise in my inquiry.

The whole reader has educated me to a higher level on the theory of ethics and the deeper morals behind them. I feel now I can apply ethics to my inquiry with the confidence I have the understanding of what they are.

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