Tuesday 28 February 2017

1-1 with Adesola

Today I had a 1-1 skype chat with Adesola. The session answered some of the big questions I had!

Firstly I was worried that I was moving too far away from my practice and focusing too much on what I want to do as a future career. Adesola confirmed that my ideas were still within my practice as I am a performer.

One of my main topics of inquiry was 'The transition from Performer to Teacher' I thought this a too general subject. Adesola explained that finding depth to this general subject using ethics and tools would help me define this topic of inquiry. One interesting way to visualise this was that my inquiry was a piece of clay.... the tools and the ethics were the knife and spatula... therefore I use the 'knife' and 'spatula' to mould my inquiry into something more defined. I can't define the inquiry before finding the depth.
This was something I was definitely doing, I was trying to find an answer to my inquiry question before I go ahead and search for knowledge and use the tools and ethics to gain depth.

Another question I had was finding the SIG groups, did I have to create one or as long as I was a part of one is that all that I need to help me find the information and ideas I want to find,,, Adesola explained that the sig groups is about finding keywords... for example a big keyword for the general topic above would be the career change of a performer. - There is a fantastic book called 'Exit Stage Right' by Ciara Pressler that is made for performers unsure of where their career change is taking them or unsure of what they want to do....

After having another look at all my previous notes of topics etc. I have decided I am going to collaborate all the ideas I had around education and those within my practice to use my tools and ethics to look into the general topic of  'How do different age groups learn differently to one another?/ How does teaching differentiate between different age groups? 
I feel using this topic relates so much to my current career and future... at the moment I teach adults of different ages dance classes and choreography from shows etc... further on in life I want to be teaching children of a younger age through primary education.

I think choosing an inquiry line of something like this makes me able to use my current practice as a dance captain to ask questions within my workplace and also gives me the freedom to use inquiry tools to find knowledge outside of the work place too.,... The question is both suited to my current workplace and my future one which I think is more beneficial than focusing on just the future pathway. If the question changes as I begin to look into the ethics and tools of inquiry then that's fine, its part of the process.

Having the tutorial with Adesola really helped me realise that I was looking too far into the future.... I won't get an answer for my inquiry within the 12 weeks as there are people who have been wondering this for years.....but I am looking foward to finding more out about it as it's something I am really interested in. I feel much better knowing I have a direction to go in now for Module 2.


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