Thursday 2 November 2017


As a performer my positivity grows more and more each day, I put this down to facing so much rejection in the industry and having to brush it off and carry on. Likewise having to be positive on stage even when you might be feeling down. This feeling was shared in the article by Louis Catron - 'What Theatre Majors Learn'
Positivity is something that employers seek in all careers. Learning to accept disappointment is something I think all performers have gone through and speaking to people in interview situations it is apparent to see the performers very briefly speak about something that hasn't worked out for them in their career, there is no dwelling on the situation.
Positivity is massively transferable into other careers, negativity can bring staff within a team down and make them lose their passion for their job or task.
Likewise negativity can link to stress so avoiding this in a workplace is essential. Barbara Fredickson studies the power of positive thinking and quotes "Just as water lilies retract when sunlight fades, so do our minds when positivity fades” (Fredrickson 2009)

So does performing arts give us the skill to be positive, I believe yes because it takes our mind of what is negative and focuses on our passion, in my case to entertain and dance. When I get negative and down about the amount of work I perhaps have for university I can go and do my job and still be positive. All of the performers I spoke to in my interview expressed they were positive people when asked and all could explain why BUT do other careers make us positive people too? I think this skill is career specific, I spoke to a respondent in my interviews who had so many bad comments towards their field that they left their job role, perhaps if they had learnt like we do as performers to deal with this bad feedback and rejection would they have acted the same?
Positivity is an interesting theme that I don't think I have fully explored yet, I would be interested to see how others felt and whether they think positivity is something they gained or did not gain from  training in performing arts?

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