Saturday 4 November 2017


In my industry organisation is key, whether it comes to being on time for a class at college or on time for an audition or on time for an interview. Across all the literature I have been focusing on the theme of organisation categorises as a transferable skill across all careers and of course organisation is key for daily life.
Gaining the skill of being organised has been an interesting one to talk about with my respondents. There was an even split between the participants I spoke to who had performance background, some saying they were very organised, to others saying they were the complete opposite. As a performer myself I automatically stereotyped all performers to be like me and thought of them as super organised people, HOW WRONG I WAS! I think it is safe to say that although organisation is key for some jobs there is a scale to how organised someone can be and this slides more into a personal trait dependent on the person not dependent on what they do. Again an even split on some people I spoke to who had never taken any performing arts training, some saying they were organised and others saying the opposite.

What I found particularly interesting was the further up in status the people I spoke to were in a job role, the more organised they perceived themselves to be, from interviewing certain individuals this became clear that the amount of responsibility a job entails is the outcome of how organised you have to be.
Literature out there does again stereotype performers as being organised people, and does suggest that this comes from the training they have received, it was interesting to see those in my industry didn't feel they had a skill what I thought was already second nature to my training.

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